Location of Gage :
Located on Mississippi River - Southwest Pass at mile 7.5 below Head of Passes (BHP). Gage reinstalled December 2010 with vertical reference relative to datum NAVD88. Previous gauge site was at mile 9.2 BHP.
Adjustment for vertical datum NAVD88 (OPUS 2022): -0.48 ft. as of 22Sep2022
(e.g. for data relative to NAVD88 since 22Sep2022, subtract 0.48 ft)
Adjustment for vertical datum NAVD88 (2009.55): 0.00 ft. as of 29Jun2015
Gage reset to vertical datum NAVD88 (2004.65) on 19Aug2010. All prior stage data is relative to NGVD29.
** Raw data, subject to change **