Location of Gage :
On upstream end of Coke Dock of the Alliance Refinery, right bank at river mile 62.5. Gage reinstalled in July 2008.
Gage reset to vertical datum NAVD88 (2004.65) on 18JUL2008. All prior historic stage data is relative to NGVD29. Gage reset again to vertical datum NAVD88 (2009.55) on 09Oct2013. In October 2013, a survey of this gage showed that NAVD88 (2004.65) was equivalent to NAVD88 (2009.55).
To adjust prior historic data (from 10Mar1987 to18Jul2008) to NAVD88 (2004.65 or 2009.55), subtract 0.71 feet.
To adjust NAVD88 (2009.55) values to 2007 Low Water Reference Plane (LWRP) datum relative to NAVD88, subtract 0.4 ft.
** Raw data, subject to change **