Red Rock 6am Report (RIVER ROOM BOOKS)       TUESDAY   14 JAN 2025
       VNMI4(16)  Stage   Flow  Precip        SDTI4       Stage   Flow  Precip        DESI4(24)  Stage    Flow  Precip
       -------------------------------        ---------------------------------       --------------------------------
        0600:      2.75      408              0600:       2.08      382               0600:       9.94      900
        1200:      2.71      386  0.00        1200:       2.08      382  0.00         1200:       9.88      843  0.00
        1800:      2.75      408  0.00        1800:       2.08      382  0.00         1800:       9.55      575  0.00
        2400:      2.79      430  0.00        2400:       2.08      382  0.00         2400:       9.53      561  0.00
        0600:      2.78      424  0.00        0600:       2.06      373  0.00         0600:       9.59      604  0.00
                                  -----                                  -----                                   -----
                                  0.00                                   0.00                                    0.00
       DFMI4(12)  Stage   Flow  Precip        NRWI4(18)   Stage   Flow  Precip        IDNI4(19)  Stage    Flow  Precip
       -------------------------------        ---------------------------------       --------------------------------
        0600:      3.72       39              0600:       5.54       70               0600:       7.09       45
        1200:      3.62       30  0.00        1200:       5.63       77  0.00         1200:       7.17       55  0.00
        1800:      3.63       30  0.00        1800:       5.52       69  0.00         1800:       6.96       31  0.00
        2400:      3.64       31  0.00        2400:       5.58       73  0.00         2400:       6.94       29  0.00
        0600:      3.65       32  0.00        0600:       5.56       72  0.00         0600:       6.95       30  0.00
                                  -----                                  -----                                   -----
                                  0.00                                   0.00                                    0.00
       AKWI4(26)  Stage   Flow  Precip        SWNI4       Stage   Flow  Precip        DLLI4(22)  Stage    Flow  Precip
       -------------------------------        ---------------------------------       --------------------------------
        0600:      5.47       24              0600:      43.36      341               0600:       6.07       10
        1200:      5.37       19  0.00        1200:      43.30      283  0.00         1200:       6.07       10  0.00
        1800:      5.62       34  0.00        1800:      43.32      301  0.00         1800:       6.06       10  0.00
        2400:      5.47       24  0.00        2400:      43.36      341  0.00         2400:       6.05        9  0.00
        0600:      5.47       24  0.00        0600:      43.35      331  0.00         0600:       6.04        8  0.00
                                  -----                                  -----                                   -----
                                  0.00                                   0.00                                    0.00
                Red Rock
                Pool  Prcnt  Inflow  Pcp   Storage Storage   Wind   Temp     Tail    Rel
                  FT            CFS   IN   AC-FT   CFS-Days                   FT     CFS
       2400   742.44   +0.5                 192113   96857    W   4  +12   83.92   1260
       0600   742.42   +0.4     634  0.00   191805   96702    W   4   +9   84.06   1260
       1200   742.41   +0.4     635  0.00   191652   96624    W   4  +19   83.95   1260
       1800   742.39   +0.4     636  0.00   191344   96470   SW   2  +20   83.94   1260
       2400   742.38   +0.4    1560  0.00   191191   96392   SW   3  +22   83.93   1260
       0600   742.39   +0.4    1530  0.00   191344   96470   NW   2   +5   83.90   1260
       Midnight to Midnight Change in Storage:     -465
       Midnight to Midnight Average Outflow:    1255
       Midnight to Midnight Average Inflow:     790
       KECI4(17)  Stage   Flow  Precip        TRCI4(14)   Stage   Flow  Precip        BSSI4(18)  Stage    Flow  Precip
       -------------------------------        ---------------------------------       --------------------------------
        0600:      8.27       13              0600:       3.66     3180               0600:       4.56       42
        1200:      8.31       14  0.00        1200:       3.14     1980  0.00         1200:       4.57       43  0.00
        1800:      8.41       18  0.00        1800:       2.98     1650  0.00         1800:       4.58       45  0.00
        2400:      8.23       12  0.00        2400:       3.29     2310  0.00         2400:       4.55       41  0.00
        0600:      8.33       15  0.00        0600:       3.35     2440  0.00         0600:       4.54       40  0.00
                                  -----                                  -----                                   -----
                                  0.00                                   0.00                                    0.00
       EDYI4(61)  Stage   Flow  Precip        OTMI4(11)   Stage   Flow  Precip        KEQI4(22)  Stage    Flow  Precip
       -------------------------------        ---------------------------------       --------------------------------
        0600:     48.86     1520              0600:       2.12     2630               0600:       9.87      688
        1200:     48.76     1380  0.00        1200:       1.46     1140  ____         1200:      10.60     1830  ____
        1800:     48.82     1470  0.00        1800:       1.36      987  ____         1800:       9.64      440  ____
        2400:     49.42     2400  0.00        2400:       1.47     1160  ____         2400:       9.14      104  ____
        0600:     49.23     2070  0.00        0600:       1.87     1960  ____         0600:       9.59      394  ____
                                  -----                                  -----                                   -----
                                  0.00                                   ____                                    ____
       SFLM7(18)  Stage   Flow  Precip        UINI2(17)   Stage   Flow  Precip        HNNM7(16)  Stage    Flow  Precip
       -------------------------------        ---------------------------------       --------------------------------
        0600:      7.55     2750              0600:      11.64   ______               0600:      10.56   ______
        1200:      7.08     2010  ____        1200:      11.54   ______  0.00         1200:      10.28   ______  0.00
        1800:      6.97     1860  ____        1800:      11.69   ______  0.00         1800:      10.25   ______  0.00
        2400:      7.09     2020  ____        2400:      11.72   ______  0.00         2400:      10.32   ______  0.00
        0600:      7.26     2270  ____        0600:      11.67   ______  0.00         0600:      10.39   ______  0.00
                                  -----                                  -----                                   -----
                                  ____                                   0.00                                    0.00